Kamfest v sodelovanju z Mladinskim centrom Kotlovnica išče prostovoljce!

Kot prostovoljec boš

  • pridobil izkušnje
  • skrbel za postavitev in urejanje prizorišč
  • poskrbel za čistočo in urejenost prizorišč
  • pomagal pri izvedbi dogodkov
  • nudil informacije obiskovalcem
  • tkal nova poznanstva

Za informacije ali prijavo nam piši na festivalkamfest@gmail.com z zadevo »Prostovoljec – Kamfest 2024«.

Kamfest is searching for volunteers!

As a volunteer you will

  •  gain experience
  •  take care of setting up and arranging the venues
  • keep the venues clean and tidy
  • help with the organisation of events
  • provide information to visitors
  • gain new acquaintances

For information or application, write to us at festivalkamfest@gmail.com with the subject »Volunteer – Kamfest 2024«.

Fotografija: Eva Klobčar